حامل لافتات أكريليك، مقاس(30×21)سم
.تقديم العلامات التجارية أو العروض الترويجية أو الرسائل أو الاتجاهات أو التصوير الفوتوغرافي أو الأعمال الفنية بشكل جميل…
📝【قوي ومتين】حامل اللافتة القائم هذا مصنوع من الأكريليك عالي الجودة، ومتين جدًا، وواضح جدًا وليس من السهل أن يتحول إلى اللون الأصفر. غير سامة ولا رائحة مزعجة. بعد الصناعة الدقيقة، يكون كل حامل لافتة للمستندات مسطحًا وناعمًا، ولن يؤذي يدك. إذا اتسخ حامل اللافتة الشفاف، فما عليك سوى مسح السطح بلطف بقطعة قماش مبللة.
📝【تصميم بسيط وسهل الاستخدام】تتميز شاشة العرض البلاستيكية هذه بمقاس (30×21) سم، بتصميم بسيط وأنيق مع تصميم خلفي مائل، وقد تم اختبار زاوية الظهر المائل بشكل متكرر لضمان تحقيق أفضل زاوية للعرض. كما أنه سهل الاستخدام للغاية، فلا حاجة إلى ثقب الثقوب ولا حاجة إلى التجميع، فقط أدخل الورقة التي تحتاجها من الفتحة الموجودة على جانب حامل اللافتة البلاستيكي الشفاف.
📝【تطبيق واسع】تتميز الصورة الواضحة للعرض بتصميم بسيط وأسلوب أنيق وعملي. سواء كان مكتبًا جديًا أو حفل زفاف احتفالي، فهو مناسب تمامًا. مناسبة لمختلف المناسبات مثل عرض قائمة طاولة الزفاف، ووضع أرقام طاولة الطعام، وعرض قائمة المقهى أو المطعم، وتوجيه مكتب الاستقبال في الفندق، والاستخدام اليومي للملفات المكتبية وما إلى ذلك.حامل لافتات أكريليك
📝【ضمان الخدمة】يتميز حامل لافتات أكريليك العمودي بتصميم بسيط وأنيق، وشفاف للغاية، ومتعدد الاستخدامات ويمكن أن يجلب الكثير من الراحة لحياتك. إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة، فيرجى الاتصال بنا في الوقت المناسب، وسوف أجيب عليك في غضون 24 ساعة، وإذا كان هناك أي شيء مكسور، فيرجى الاتصال بي في المرة الأولى، وسوف أقوم برد أموالك أو استبدالها لك.
Jeanette –
I love these frames! I actually use them to display my daughter’s artwork. The fact that the from simply is magnitized and lifts up makes it so easy to change out what you want to display without having to take the entire frame off the wall! Super easy and convenient! I highly recommend!
Troika Cheu –
I ordered these so that I could display my designs and materials lists for projects on my white board. As my designs and lists are constantly changing, I wanted something that was re-usable and easy to load so these fit the bill. Not only are they sturdy and nicely made, they hold a sheet of paper and attach to my white board quickly and easily. They allow me to make markings with dry erase markers and wipe them off without affecting the design underneath. The frames are metallic silver and add a nice separation when using them side by side.
Overall these are a great 10-pack of magnetic frames that have a variety of uses. I would order them again and recommend them to my family and friends as they would come in handy for many of them. They would also make a great gift for a co-worker, crafter or organizer.
I use these to hold photos on my fridge and on the fridge and magnetic bulletin board at work to display signs. The magnets hold the two sides together but are strong enough that they also hold the frame and whatever you place inside to any magnetic surface. I also love that these are thin frames, they don’t stick out enough that they get bumped around and they aren’t heavy enough to slide around on the fridge door.
I can’t comment too much on the adhesive because I haven’t actually hung any of these with the sticky back. I did peel back a corner, and it feels sticky enough to hold up the frame and paper inside but not so sticky that I immediately think it would peel paint.
Troika Cheu –
Wasn’t quite what I was expecting but there turned out great to work for posting sogns we change often. I first tested these in the kitchen to post the strips of the menu and found out how wonderful these were to easily change out what’s inside.
Magnetic will probably not hold real heavy paper but works great with a single page and so easy to switch out quickly without having it be a whole production! Happy happy stuff
Heather –
they only manage to hold up thin printer paper and the frames are obvious that they are plastic and not metal all the way across the room
Me Again –
Not what I was initially expecting, perhaps I need to read descriptions better. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a use though. I thought they were picture frames, which they kind of are, but they aren’t a free standing kind of frame. What they actually are does have applications way beyond a desk frame.
I have used these for refrigerator or tool chest displays. The magnets are a little on the weak side for this function, but they do adhere to a metal surface without sliding down. I put a tape mark on the refrigerator so I would know if the frame moved and in several days it is in the same place. I count that as passing the test.
The silver frame is a nice look. If you use a letter size paper it will be a little larger than the display area and overhang between the magnets. A single sheet doesn’t seem to interfere with magnets though. I have decided to use them upside down though so the solid part of the frame is down so there isn’t any sneaking in of gravity trying to pull on the contents.
isaac –
These are nice quality. They’re simple and easy to use, and super easy to change out or rearrange. I like the versatility and the magnets are strong. We tried them outdoors (not how they are intended) and they didn’t work well, but the ones we have inside our store (basic signage) work great!
Rebecca Poling –
I didn’t read thru the description far enough to note that it also has a self stick backing side to allow you to use it on non-magnetic surfaces…so that was a plus. (they caution not to use it on painted walls)
Right away I have used this on my electrical breaker panel box to keep the listing of my breaker assignments.
I will use it on my refrigerator to put a monthly calendar. I don’t have small kids but seems would be great use to display their drawings and things like that. As a picture frame or whatever you want to display…think this will do it for you.